Lacey Buchanan


Leading the Blind

On February 18th, 2011, our lives were changed forever when our son Christian Taylor Buchanan entered the world. He was born with a bilateral cleft palate and lip and almost completely blind. This blog is the story of his life, the joys we share, the challenges we encounter, and the amazing and trying journey ahead of our family!

Launch Team Info for Through The Eyes of Hope

Hey guys!

My book, Through the Eyes of Hope, releases on January 10th and I am so excited! This book is our story of faith, struggle, doubt, and hope. I am honored to be able to continue to share our family’s story in this way. It is a dream come true to watch this all unfold!

Launching this book is going to take a group effort, and I would love your help! We’re putting together a launch team and I want you to be a part of it!

What is a Launch Team?
A launch team is a group of devoted readers and supporters from ten to 500 in number–who are assembled online. They are the ambassadors for the book and given specific tasks that set them up as on-the-ground marketers to help spread the word about the book.

What is Your Role
We would love your help promoting the book through the following channels:

  1. Sharing about the book on your social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat).
  2. Sharing about the book on your blog (but having a blog isn’t a requirement).
  3. Posting a review on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
  4. Finding other creative ways to tell someone about the book and how it has impacted you.

What Do You Get Out of This
I don’t want this to be a one-sided thing. I am SO grateful for anyone who would be willing to jump in and help us spread the word.  Here’s what you will receive in return:

  1. An early copy of the book!
  2. Access to a private Facebook group where the team will gather for updates, news, and team communication.
  3. Insight into the world of book marketing.

What do you think? Are you ready to join the journey? We would love to have you aboard!!!

If interested, please fill out THIS FORM. Give us a few days to collect the applications and pick the team. We only have limited spots, so thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as our team reads through your application and chooses the right team for this book!

It started out just like any of the other of the dozens of conversations I have had with young children about Christian. "Where are his eyes?" "Can he see?" "Why are his eyes so red?"Some people might cringe hearing their kids ask questions like these about my son, but it doesn't bother me. If they already knew the answer to ...

Choosing Grace

Christian & Chris UlmerMy family was honored with a special opportunity this past weekend. We got to meet Christopher Ulmer with Special Books by Special Kids  and be interviewed by him! Christian did a great job being interviewed and Chris really captured Christian's joyful spirit and laughter! (You can watch that interview here.) The video got over a million views in ...

Picking Playdough Out From Under My Fingernails /

We were getting dressed for a fancy, red carpet event. We had been invited to a benefit concert where Christian would go on stage, adorning bow tie and all, and play piano for the crowd. The show was a fancy ordeal, and it was important that we dress well and look put together. My friend was hosting the concert and ...

Esther - A Woman of the Bible - And What God Intended to Teach Me

Esther is a very popular book of the Bible among Christian women. That's probably mostly because most of the Bible figures are males, or at least most of the time spent in telling stories in the Bible tells of men; but the book of Esther is a story with a female heroine who saves the day.Esther was a Jewish orphan ...

If it Was Easy

Last week we visited Tennessee School for the Blind. This was a trip that I have been hearing about for about a year. I’ve known it was coming, but I had no idea what to expect. There was some anticipation with a touch of dread mixed in about this trip. The purpose of this visit was an evaluation. That single word ...
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